Fillings For Your Cavities

Dentist Blog

Cavities often result from enamel damage caused by bacterial acid. When the bacteria in your oral cavity feed on carbohydrates from food particles in your mouth, they release byproducts of their digestive process. One of these byproducts is bacterial acid. As the acid dissolves essential minerals within the tooth enamel, cavities form. The cavities, which are also called dental caries, are essentially holes in the tooth enamel. Various types of fillings may be used, depending on the size and severity of a cavity.

17 February 2017

3 Tips To Prepare For Dental Implant Surgery

Dentist Blog

If you have missing teeth, you might be looking forward to having dental implants put in so that you can be proud of your smile. However, you might be nervous about the actual surgery of having them put in. Luckily, following these tips can help you prepare for the procedure so that it will go as well as possible on your appointment date. 1. Talk to Your Dentist and Doctor About Your Medication

9 January 2017