Why You Shouldn't Ignore Even The Smallest Cavities In Your Teeth

Dentist Blog

When it comes to general health, most people act quickly when something is wrong, calling their doctor at the first cause for concern. However, when it comes to dental health, many are not this proactive. Even the idea of getting fillings for a cavity can be nerve-wracking and trigger anxiety for many. The fact is that it's in your best interest to treat your dental health, even the need to get fillings, as important as you treat your overall health.

19 April 2019

What You Need To Know About Root Canals

Dentist Blog

In the world of dentists, root canal procedures are among the more radical options short of performing full-on oral surgery. Root canals also have a somewhat undeserved reputation for being painful, and this combination of facts has led to some misconceptions about the process. Here's what you need to know about roots canals and why dentists might elect to perform them. The Basic Goals of Root Canals The root canal is the space in a tooth where the soft pulp is.

19 March 2019

Here's Why Taking Care Of Your Teeth Gets More Important As You Age

Dentist Blog

While everyone should floss and brush daily and regularly visit their dentists' offices, many people slack in one area or another when it comes to managing their oral hygiene. If you've been getting by with fewer dental appointments and lackluster care for your oral health at home, you might think that you can expect to keep taking it easy as you get older. However, that's typically not the case. Here's why it's more important than ever to take care of your teeth once you get older.

20 February 2019

4 Foods to Avoid When You Get Braces

Dentist Blog

If you have crooked teeth, the best option may be to get braces. However, it is important to understand that braces come with certain restrictions. While you are undergoing orthodontic treatment, the metal brackets and wires can suffer damage, and your teeth and gums are more susceptible to inflammation and tooth decay due to trapped food. Now, there are some foods that are riskier than others, so to ensure that your teeth and braces are safe, here are four foods that you should avoid while undergoing orthodontic treatment.

22 January 2019

6 Hacks To Getting Straighter, Whiter Teeth Without Braces

Dentist Blog

Your smile defines you. It is often the first thing people see when they meet you and, for 48 percent of Americans, it is also the feature they find most memorable about you. That's great news if you like your smile. If you feel your teeth aren't white enough or straight enough, then there are some changes you can make.  1. Whitening Toothpaste: The least expensive way to get a whiter smile is to switch toothpastes.

19 December 2018

Materials Used To Make Orthodontic Braces

Dentist Blog

If you had to wear orthodontic braces as a teen, chances are you have uncomfortable memories of going to the orthodontist and then worrying about how you'd look with a mouth full of metal and elastic. Luckily, when it comes time to consider getting braces for your teens today, there are a wide variety of traditional and high-tech materials available for modern orthodontics. Stainless Steel The typical braces that you see on the average orthodontic patient consist of brackets and wires.

19 November 2018

3 Benefits Of Invisalign

Dentist Blog

Having straight teeth isn't something that comes naturally to most people. If you have crooked teeth and are an adult, the last thing that you may want to do is wear a mouth full of metal. Even though traditional metal braces have their benefits, they aren't exactly cosmetically appealing.  Luckily, metal braces aren't the only way for you to get straighter teeth. With Invisalign, you can get straight teeth without the hassle and fuss of traditional metal braces.

21 October 2018