Four Things To Look For In A Children's Dental Office

Dentist Blog

When searching for the right dentist for your little one, it's normal to focus on the dentist themselves. But while it's certainly important to look for a dentist who is kind to your little one and who has the education to provide excellent pediatric dental care, you should also look at the dental office. Here are four qualities of a dentist office that suggest it's the proper one for your kids.

A Convenient Location

Look for a dental office within a few minutes either of your home or of your child's school. Running kids to the dentist can be a hassle enough without the dentist's office being a half hour away. When you have to pick the kids up at school, rush them to the dentist, and get them back to school before a test, you'll be happy the dental office is nearby. 

Toys and Magazines

When kids are waiting to see the dentist, they are often a bit nervous and unsettled. It helps if they have something to entertain them and keep their minds busy as they wait. Look for a dental office that has plenty of fun toys, magazines, and maybe even a television for kids to watch in the waiting room. If the waiting room experience is a good one, the experience in the dental chair will be calmer and better, too.

Calm, Soothing Colors

Did you know that different colors have the ability to put you in different moods? Blue, for example, is very soothing and can keep you -- and your child -- feeling confident and calm. Green is also soothing, as it reminds you of nature. Yellow and red, on the other hand, are energizing and could make an already tense experience at the dentist even worse for you and your little one. It may sound odd to choose your dental office based on color, but if you're torn between two offices that are equal in all other ways, choose the one with the better color scheme.

Kind Staff

Make sure the staff at the dental office are welcoming and that they interact with your child and not just with you. If the receptionist can make your child feel calm about their upcoming dental procedure, that's a real benefit. Kind and accommodating staff will also be easier for you to deal with when you call to make appointments. If the staff goes above and beyond, greeting you by name and conversing with your child, that's a very good sign. 


12 February 2018

Emergency Dental Care

The average dentist takes many client appointments each day and also deals with emergency situations on a regular basis. Dental emergencies are very common because people are likely to put off having tooth pain fixed until the pain becomes unbearable. Some people have anxiety about dental visits, and others are trying to avoid the expense of dental care. In either case, the end result is often a dental emergency. I have worked as a professional dental hygienist for many years and have seen all types of dental emergencies. I hope that this blog will help people identify potential emergencies before they become too serious and will allow people to know when to get help.