Dental Care Tips For Better Oral Health

Dentist Blog

Your oral health is important, not just for the health of your teeth and gums, but for your entire body. Poor oral health can eventually take it's toll on your body including your lungs, heart, skin, kidneys and bones. To prevent any health issues to your body that started from your poor oral health, go back to the source. See below for tips on how to improve your oral health.

Brush Properly

You should be brushing twice per day using a soft bristle toothbrush and toothpaste with fluoride. There are a number of toothbrushes on the market to choose from, including electric toothbrushes and toothbrushes with multiple bristles to better clean your teeth. Change your toothbrush every three months and after you've been sick to prevent spreading germs. Brush in small circular motions, being sure to clean your gums as well. Don't forget about your tongue. Brushing your tongue helps remove plaque and can prevent bad breath.

Get In Between Teeth

Floss your teeth to remove the plaque in between teeth. The plaque between your teeth is about 35% of you tooth's surface, which means if you aren't flossing your missing quite a bit of plaque. Floss using either waxed floss or using floss picks, both can be found at your local pharmacy or grocery store. Floss at least once per day to help keep your teeth and gums healthy.

Rinse Daily

Rinse your mouth with a mouthwash to remove plaque from your teeth, gums and mouth that may have been missed from brushing or flossing. You can take mouthwash with you to remove sugary substances from your teeth while at work or school, or whenever you're away from home.

Avoid Sugary Foods And Caffiene

Avoid sugary foods that can stick to your teeth such as candy, sweet drinks, and other sweets. Also avoid tea, coffee and soda drinks that contain caffeine and can stain your teeth. Sweets that sit on your teeth can eat through your tooth's enamel, eventually causing cavities.

Drink Water

Drink plenty of water to keep you hydrated, and to rinse your teeth and your mouth in between brushing. Water contains fluoride, which is also health for your teeth.

Get Regular Cleanings And Checkups

Be sure to visit the dentist every six months for regular cleanings and checkups. The dentist can spot any issues before they become a bigger problem. Don't skip out on your checkups, make it a point to get to the dentist.

Your oral health is important for your teeth, gums and mouth, as well as your overall health. Follow the tips above and ask your dentist about other things you can do to improve your oral health. For more information, contact companies like Hot Smile Dental.


15 November 2017

Emergency Dental Care

The average dentist takes many client appointments each day and also deals with emergency situations on a regular basis. Dental emergencies are very common because people are likely to put off having tooth pain fixed until the pain becomes unbearable. Some people have anxiety about dental visits, and others are trying to avoid the expense of dental care. In either case, the end result is often a dental emergency. I have worked as a professional dental hygienist for many years and have seen all types of dental emergencies. I hope that this blog will help people identify potential emergencies before they become too serious and will allow people to know when to get help.